Avoid Chemical on Aircraft


By Maria James

What Chemical Should You Avoid Using On Your Aircraft?

An aircraft owner should know to maintain a safe and sturdy aircraft, from cleaning it on a regular basis to giving it the scheduled monthly maintenance. It’s okay if you are new to airplanes. We are here to help you. You can’t just grab any cleaner in the kitchen or stored under the sink and start rubbing it on your aircraft. 

Choosing the right chemical is equally important as cleaning your aircraft with it. Using the wrong chemical can damage your aircraft. It will end up damaging your aircraft frame and parts, but it will also cause you the heavy bucks to repair it. 

Because prevention is always better than the cure, you should now consider knowing the chemicals you should avoid. Without any further due, let’s get started. 

  • Window Cleanser That contains Ammonia-

Windscreens are the part of your aircraft that catch all the dirt and debris. And to have clear visibility, you have to clear them after every landing. But, you can’t use any products on your aircraft. It is important that you only use the window cleaner that does not contain Ammonia. 

Ammonia is constantly added to the house sold cleanser designed to leave your house windows crystal clear. But you can’t use them on the aircraft windows. 

Ammonia can cause tiny cracks on the surface of your aircraft window or windshield, which can become deadly when the aircraft is flying. Due to the forces, the aircraft window could fall apart, causing an imbalance.

On a lighter note, these cracks can affect how the light gets through the windows. The damages can cause sharp light illumination causing difficulty in visibility. 

If the cracks start to form on your windshield, it’s already too late. Now you have to invest in a replacement. But, you can avoid all of this by using a good and suitable aircraft glass cleaner to clean the windows and windshield of the aircraft.

  • Methyl Ethyl Ketone-

If you want to know the chemical that can damage your and your aircraft’s health is methyl ethyl ketone. If you accidentally inhale this chemical for a while, you can start to feel instant irritation to the eyes, your nose, and your throat. 

Further, your eyes may even turn red and begin to water, and you will start filling irritation in your respiratory system. And it will permanently harm your nervous system and even cause death.   

Aircraft owners use this chemical usually to clean bare metal surfaces and any areas of the plane where it’s essential to remove the sealant. But, you have so many other options in the market that can serve the same purpose without putting your health in grave danger. So, there is no pinpoint in sticking to methyl ethyl ketone.

  • Acetone-

Acetone can damage your aircraft and cause long-term effects. You might not notice it in the starting, but it will cause you the heavy bucks in the end. 

And surprisingly, some aircraft owners do not pay attention to the damage caused by the acetone and use rain repellant or cleaning products that come with heavy acetone. And it needs to be avoided. If you are also the one who uses the acetone on the windshield a lot, you will need to replace the windshield a lot sooner than you can expect. It will be an unnecessary cost that you can simply avoid. All you have to do is to choose the right cleaner. Instead of reaching for an acetone-based cleaner, you can choose the basics, including warm water and a soft cloth. Do not use any kind of cloth in the circular motion because this can leave the marks behind on your windshield. Instead, stick to up and down motion. 

  • Dish Soap-

Another common mistake that most aircraft owners make is to use dish soap in warm water. Yes, it offers an easy way to clean the windshield and windows, which is fine. But, you can never rely on dish soap as it can contain harsh chemicals.

Grease, oil, and dirt accumulate on the surface of some areas of the aircraft every time you take off your aircraft. Aircraft owners use dish soap to eliminate grease, dirt, and other pots and pans. But this can never clean an aircraft clearly and, on the flip side, can also damage it. So, it’s better if you use a special cleaner for these types of areas. And safe cleaners are not even expensive. You can buy floor cleaner, landing gear cleaner, and even brake cleaner on sale. They can effectively remove the thicker grease, which dish soaps can’t effectively remove. 

In fact, if you keep using the soaps, they leave behind a layer of soap on your plane. You have to scrub off this layer, which means it ultimately creates more work for you. 

Ultimately dish soaps are meant to clear the dishes, not the aircraft. So, instead of using the dish soap, find a cleaning agent designed to remove all the dirt and grease from the engine parts. 

  • Chlorine Bleach-

You can use it as an ideal candidate for keeping your bathroom clean. But this common product can become a nightmare if used in your aircraft. It can cause potential damage to the deals and vacuum systems of aircraft. Also, It can be the protective layer of your aircraft’s body stripped away. In addition, if chlorine bleach is combined with the lavatory’s “blue juice,” it can produce toxic fumes. And it can mix the oxidizing agents. 


The normal chemical might be an ideal candidate for cleaning other stuff. As a rule of thumb, it’s essential and important to find aviation-approved cleaners. This means they have passed through all the rigorous tests and are approved to use for certain modules of the aircraft. If you are unsure about the products to choose from, you can look for as many reviews as you want. And then you can consider the product. 

But, if you want to avoid all of this hustle and bustle, you can visit the website of WellWorthProduct. Here you can find all the helpful products you need for your aircraft cleansing.

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