Pool Enclosures


By Maria James

Why Do You Need Pool Enclosures?

Having your very own swimming pool is a great privilege. During summer, you can take a dip and feel refreshed and invigorated by its cool water. You can enjoy your day with your family swimming in the pool on weekends. Aside from that, you can also invite your friends to come over and have a pool party. However, with all this fun and enjoyment, it requires you to take on a level of responsibility regarding safety. 

According to the UNSW (University of New South Wales) report of 2018, one out of three child drowning accidents that occurred in Sydney was due to negligence of the parents as the parents got engrossed in their household chores. It goes without saying that when you have your private swimming pool, you should always make sure that it is safe and secure, especially when your pool is not in use. So how do you ensure that? Well, there are several ways to do so, but one of the most effective ways to ensure the safety of your pool is to install pool enclosures in Sydney.

If you have children at your home, a pool enclosure should be the first investment to ensure that your pool is 100% safe and secure. If you are still pondering whether to get a pool enclosure installed or not, continue reading! 

To Comply With the Swimming Pool (Safety) Act of Australia

According to the Swimming pool (safety) Act 1972, if a private swimming pool is not enclosed by a wall, fence or building, or any combination, the owner of that swimming pool shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and upon conviction shall be liable to a penalty. Further, based on the age of the swimming pool, the government has set different specifications for pool enclosures. For example, if you have a newer swimming pool, it should be surrounded by fences higher than 3.9 feet, while for the older pools, it is mandatory to get it completely sealed off from the household.

Reduce Pool Maintenance

Getting a pool enclosure is an ideal solution if you want to completely seal out all the leaves, debris, and dirt from your pool. It saves you from all the mess these unwanted guests may make to your swimming pool. In addition, it helps reduce the cleaning time and effort you would need to spend cleaning your pool. An efficient pool enclosure will save money on heating costs and reduce evaporation and the expensive chemical loss that goes with it. 

Reduce Direct Exposure to Sunlight

Unlike pool blankets or pool covers, installing pool enclosures protects you from the intense summers of Sydney. It provides a shield against the sun’s harmful rays and keeps you more relaxed, allowing you to enjoy your pool day to the fullest. If you have a nice budget, you can go for retractable pool enclosures; these are ideal for providing you with the best of both worlds. Moreover, custom-made pool enclosures in Sydney ensure that you can enjoy swimming in your pool all year round.

Security for Kids and Pets

You will be surprised to know that in Sydney and other major cities of Australia, approximately 15% of deaths happen annually due to pool accidents. A report published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveals that 54% of child drowning cases reported in the Sydney, NSW involved swimming pools. Therefore, installing pool enclosures with an adequate locking system is essential so you can lock them whenever not in use. It also ensures that no one can use the swimming pool without your permission.

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