Fingerprint And Face Attendance


By HassanShabeer

Which Among Fingerprint And Face Attendance System Is Better

Manual systems have become extinct in organizations. As time passes, better technologies are being adopted to enhance productivity, especially with many employees. Today, people prefer installing biometric machines because they are faster and more efficient.

Biometric face attendance machines and the fingerprint attendance systems are preferred over others as they help save time and effort and enhance security. Also, these systems use an individual’s biological features. Therefore, it is impossible to cheat the system.

Face Vs Fingerprint Attendance System

Both the face and fingerprint attendance systems are suitable for various applications. However, to determine which is best for your organization, here are a few factors to help you decide:

  • In the fingerprint attendance system, individuals must touch the biometric fingerprint machine. On the other hand, face recognition does not require physical touch. 
  • Most organizations use face recognition systems for public applications and surveillance. Fingerprint systems are better for the authentication and identification of individuals. 
  • Some facial recognition systems are less effective since individuals can manipulate facial features. However, everyone has unique fingerprints.
  • Fingerprints cannot change even with age, unlike facial features. You experience facial changes as you age, which makes some face attendance systems less reliable.
  • Biometric spoofing is more common with fingerprint systems. It is easy to lift a person’s fingerprints from places they touch. In this case, face attendance systems are more efficient.

Organizations worldwide are battling whether or not to fully switch to face recognition systems. Is it worth it?

Facts about Face Attendance Systems

Face attendance machines are equipped to distinguish an individual from a video outline or advanced picture. Facial identification frameworks work differently. However, they all operate on one basic principle. 

These systems focus on unique features on an individual’s face from a picture and compare them with information in a database. 

Many places use the face attendance system due to its efficiency. An advantage of facial recognition machines is that they do not need bystanders to monitor the system. Once you establish the biometric face attendance machine, it can recognize individuals among groups of people.

Common places with facial recognition machines include:

  • ü Air terminals 
  • Multiplexes 
  • Open entertainment spots

The Relevance of Fingerprint Attendance Systems Today

Inarguably, fingerprint systems are also efficient. Through this system, organizations save time, avoid errors, and eliminate instances of forgotten pins and passwords. Back in the day, when institutions and organizations used manual attendance systems, there was room for buddy punching. 

It was common for individuals to mark attendance for absent individuals. Moreover, managing the records was tedious, especially when large groups of people were involved.

Fortunately, fingerprint attendance systems make attendance more accurate and less time-consuming to record. Individuals working in an organization do not need to memorize passwords or carry identity cards. In addition, the system records every individual’s leave days, breaks, and working hours.

When it comes down to choosing between face and fingerprint attendance systems, there is more to it than functionality.

The attendance machine price also plays a pivotal role in what you select. If you are running a small institution or organization, choosing the cheaper option will benefit you more since both systems are efficient. Evaluating features on both systems before making an informed decision is crucial.

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