Types of Virtual Team Meeting Room Setups


By Maria James

Types of Virtual Team Meeting Room Setups

Virtual Meeting Room Setups

A virtual meeting includes a lot of resources for communication and discussions. You can connect with the other participants using these features and functionalities. Corporate organizations especially need such features in their virtual team meetings. It helps them to bond with everyone at the meeting without any hassle. They can discuss and come up with an outcome using these functionalities. 

You can get the meeting rooms, networking tables, CXO lounge, pre-meeting scheduler, business card exchange, and various other features with the virtual meetings platform that can boost networking at your event. Moreover, you will need a proper setup that can be helpful to make the networking and connection easy for everyone at the virtual meeting. 

But how to know what things to include in these virtual meeting rooms? How to set up a virtual meeting room that can boost networking and engagement without much effort?

So, here is a complete solution for you that can help you set up a perfect virtual meeting room. 

There are two types of virtual meeting setups you will need to focus on for perfection. Let’s have a glance at both of the virtual meeting setup types.

5 Requirements to set up a virtual meeting room are as follows

  • Communication Tools

You need proper features for seamless communication at your virtual corporate meeting platform. Moreover, you can get live chat, audio, video call, and external integrations. It makes communication easy as you can connect with others via chatting or calling. Also, you can use external integrations, like WhatsApp, BlueJeans, Zoom meetings, etc. 

  • Networking Tools

You will need an appropriate feature that can be helpful in networking at the virtual team meeting platform. So, you must look for something like AI matchmaking, business card exchange, networking tables, and a b2b meeting scheduler. 

  • AI matchmaking will help attendees find best friend suggestions based on similar interests. 
  • Attendees can request other users, hosts, speakers, and anyone at the virtual AGM platform for a business card. The requester will get the card as soon as the receiver accepts it.
  • You can create some round networking tables. It is beneficial for discussion among the 2 people or a group of 8 people. They can share their opinion using the live chat, audio, and video calling options. 
  • B2B meeting scheduler helps the attendees who already have questions even before the event starts. They can book an audio or video call appointment with anyone from the virtual meeting. 


  • Engagement Tools

You will need technology that can be helpful to engage the attendees from start to end. So, they will stay and enjoy the entire virtual meeting seamlessly. It includes features such as gamification, leaderboard, heart, thumbs up, clap & hoot emoticons, and an AR photo booth. 

The attendees can play AR/VR games on the virtual event platform. Also, they can achieve excellent scores by exploring every place on the virtual corporate meeting platform. They can enjoy the sessions by hooting, clapping, and using various emoticons for the speakers. Additionally, they can create a virtual meeting memory by taking multiple selfies on the virtual team meeting platform. 


  • Recording Features

You can use the recorded video of your virtual meeting for various things after the event. For instance, you can upload short clips of your virtual meeting on social media platforms, other websites, or your own official website. Also, you can ask to log in or subscribe to view and download the virtual meeting video. 


  • Live Analytics

Keeping track of the attendees in real-time can be helpful in knowing what’s going on in your virtual meeting and how to engage the people to stay. So, you get the best virtual team meeting platform in order to enjoy the live analytics feature.  

Physical Virtual Meeting Room Setups

6 Requirements to set up a physical meeting room for a virtual meeting are as follows:


  • Evaluate the Room Size Before Setup

You have to ensure that the size of your meeting room is perfect for the virtual meeting. It will require adding various elements and equipment to your meeting room in order to create a seamless experience for the virtual attendees. Moreover, you have to choose the space that can be sufficient for all the speakers and other equipment for perfect audio and video conferencing. 


  • Include a High-Definition Television

You will need a high-resolution television where you can see the other speakers joining your virtual meeting from their respective locations. It will be beneficial to show all the virtual attendees and everyone present in the physical room. So, you would need a big television for telecasting. 


  • Brainstorm Your Ideas Using Whiteboard

You can share all the statistics and other data using the whiteboard. So, you need to add a whiteboard to your physical meeting room. Brainstorm various ideas and clarify all the pointers to them. 


  • Use Multiple Cameras for 360° Video Conferencing!

You can get the 360 degrees in your virtual team meeting platform as well by the best solutions. So, you will need multiple cameras in order to capture all the necessary pointers from different angles. Moreover, the one camera focuses on an overall meeting room. The second one can cover the speakers’ closeup, and the third one can capture the audience. 


  • Grab the Right Audio-Video Equipment

You will need proper equipment that can be helpful to take the high-quality audio and visual. Moreover, you can use the DSLR or other highly professional cameras for high-quality video. On the other hand, you can use microphones or mics for a seamless virtual audio experience.  


  • Include Stable Internet Connection

Make sure you use a proper ethernet cable connection for stable internet. Wifi can make it hard to keep the internet connection stable for the entire free virtual event

So, these are the various types of virtual team meeting room setups. It will be helpful to create a seamless audience experience for your virtual meeting. 

Hope, you will find this article beneficial to developing an immersive virtual meeting room with perfect setup.

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