
By HassanShabeer

The Different Types of Work Passes in Singapore On Which Bases It Works

Working in Singapore? If so, you’ll need to hold a Work Pass. This article gives an overview of the different types of Work Passes in Singapore, and how each one may affect your ability to work legally in the country.

Employment Pass

The Employment Pass (EP) is a work pass for foreign professionals working in managerial, executive or specialist positions. To qualify, you must have a job offer from a Singapore-based company and meet the minimum salary requirements. Your employer will need to submit an application on your behalf. If you’re successful, you’ll be issued an EP that’s valid for up to two years. You can renew your EP for up to three years at a time. Once you’ve obtained an EP, you may be eligible for S Pass and Skills Development Programme Scholarships. S Pass: The S Pass is designed for skilled workers who are coming to Singapore temporarily with the intention of returning home after their employment contract has ended. To apply, your employer needs to make a case that there’s no suitable local candidate available for the position in question. They’ll also need to satisfy the ministry that they were unable to find someone outside of Singapore as well. The Ministry of Manpower considers factors such as age, qualifications and experience when assessing applications. There are several different types of work passes in Singapore including: Employment Pass, Work Permit, S Pass and others.

S Pass

The S Pass is a work pass for mid-level skilled workers who earn more than $2,800 and have acceptable qualifications. To qualify for an S Pass, you must first submit an application to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). If your application is successful, you will be issued an in-principle approval letter. You can then use this letter to apply for a work pass at the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

There are three types of Work Passes in Singapore: the Employment Pass, the S Pass, and the Work Permit. The Employment Pass is for foreign professionals who wish to work in Singapore. To qualify for an Employment Pass, you must have a degree from a recognized university and at least three years of relevant work experience. In addition, there are other restrictions on who can apply for an Employment Pass. For example, some professions like teaching and nursing require additional training before they’re eligible to apply.

On the other hand, the S Pass is a work pass for middle-skilled workers with tertiary education who make over $2,800 per month. Lastly, there’s the Work Permit which allows foreigners without proper qualifications or skills to take up jobs that locals cannot do due to their lack of expertise or medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.

When it comes down to it, all these different types of work passes serve different purposes depending on what kind of foreigner you are.

Dependent’s Pass

The Job Seeker’s Visa is a type of work pass that allows foreign nationals to come to Singapore for up to six months to look for a job. To be eligible, you must be at least 21 years old and have a valid passport. You will also need to show proof of your educational qualifications and skills. Once you have found a job, you can apply for a work permit. Foreigners with dependents living in Singapore may apply for a Dependent’s Pass. The applicant needs to provide proof of the relationship such as marriage certificate or birth certificate. There are some restrictions: you should not be an unskilled worker, or an executive with another company; if the dependent is under 16 years old, they should not be allowed to study full-time without parental consent; applicants cannot take on more than one job; applicants cannot start any new business activity without approval from the authorities first. It takes about three weeks to process this application, but the processing time may vary depending on the nationality of the applicant.

One thing worth noting is that once issued, a dependent’s pass cannot be renewed like other passes – it has a validity period ranging from one year (for married couples) to three years (for children).

Job Seeker’s Visa

The Job Seeker’s Visa is a great option for those who are looking to move to Singapore to find work. This visa allows you to stay in the country for up to six months and look for a job. Once you have found a job, you can then apply for a work permit. The Job Seeker’s Visa is a great option for those who are looking to move to Singapore to find work. This visa allows you to stay in the country for up to six months and look for a job. Once you have found a job, you can then apply for a work permit. If your prospective employer requires a letter of approval from MOM (Ministry of Manpower), you must have an offer letter or employment contract before applying for this visa. However, if your prospective employer does not require this letter, it may be easier to start with this type of work pass as it will give you more time before committing to permanent residency. Additionally, this visa only costs $30-40 per month which is cheaper than most other types of visas. A permit holder on a Job Seeker’s Visa has 90 days after the date of their arrival in Singapore to find employment before they have to leave the country again.

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