Portfolio Management Services


By Maria James

Looking For Portfolio Management Services In India?

Investments are extremely important for multiple reasons, like your retirement or any heavy expense that you may have to do in the future, like marriage, home, vehicle, trips, etc. To gain healthy returns you should look for Portfolio Management Services in India.

There are dozens of investment options available in financial markets, and instead of buying multiple policies from different platforms for one goal, your portfolio manager can help you manage them all from a single platform. They can create the perfect investment plan for you to get desired returns within your goal period.

What Can A Portfolio Manager Do For You?

A portfolio manager creates a personalized investment plan for you after consulting with you and keeping your goals into consideration, drafts a plan which helps you achieve your goal within a fixed time.

As mentioned above, there are many financial instruments available for investment, like equity, bonds, cash, Fixed deposits, policies, real estate, etc. A person who does not have financial expertise cannot make sound decisions about which financial instruments are safe and can provide you with healthy returns in a certain period.

A portfolio manager can invest your money for you in financial instruments which can help you provide healthy returns in a set time period. Financial Portfolio Management In India is popular with many HNIs (High Net-Worth Individuals), who prefer to save and invest money through portfolio managers to create high returns in the long term.

You can find many portfolio management services in India. Your PMS (Portfolio Management Service) should be transparent and vocal with you, only then can they understand your goals and objectives. A PMS will draft an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for you after consulting about your goals and objectives with you.

Fees and Charges

You are investing money to earn healthy returns, and you don’t want most of your returns to end up with your PMS provider. Therefore, you should decide on your PMS provider after doing proper research on them. There are a few points that you should check before going with any Portfolio Management Service.

  • The first thing you should check is the number of clients and customers do your PMS provider have, and how many have investors are satisfied with the service they have received. This will give you confidence in your PMS provider and assurity for reaching your goals.
  • The second most important thing is to look for the fees and charges. Different PMS services charge their clients in different ways. The most common fee and charges are Management charges, Brokerage Charges, Upfront fees, Custodian charges, etc.
  • You should try and find a PMS service provider who has nice goodwill in the market. It will give you more confidence in your PMS provider.
  • Support is very important for any kind of problems that may occur during the investment cycle. For example, because of some reason if the client needs the money sooner then the PMS should be available with an option.


Investments are crucial for everyone as financial constraints can come to anyone at any time. People who have certain goals or objectives for their investment should always look for a PMS provider. Finding a good Financial Portfolio Management in India is not a very difficult job, but it is important to keep some important points in mind before choosing one.

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