chicago website developer


By HassanShabeer

Web developer in Chicago with High-Performance in Mind

At Ideaseat, our Chicago website developer is comprised of marketing strategists who partner with developers and content creators to launch websites that deliver measurable results (leads and sales). Each building block of our new website construction process has been expertly crafted to drive the most relevant leads and the highest ROI possible. In fact, we’ve been doing it long enough that we can predict with great accuracy how many leads or sales will be generated from each stage of development.


Understand performance metrics

Each website starts with a goal, and it is your job to make sure that your site is both accomplishing its goals and delivering on the metrics needed to measure success. Here are some of the most important performance metrics to keep in mind:

# Leads generated by the website

# Sales generated by the website # Time spent on the website # Bounce rate # New visitors per day/week/month # Returning visitors per day/week/month


Build brand awareness

Ideaseat a Chicago website developer that specializes in high-performance websites. They don’t just build websites; they have a process to ensure your website is the best it can be.

Ideaseat’s process starts with a discovery phase where they learn about your business and how you want to reach your audience. Ideaseat then builds a plan based on the discoveries from the discovery phase. The plan outlines what we need to do for each stage of production, which includes: wireframes, prototyping, design mock-ups, coding and testing/QA.

The next step is for us to work closely with you during our production stage where we will provide regular updates on our progress and answer any questions or concerns that may arise.


Use landing pages

A landing page is a single web page that shows up on your website when someone clicks on an advertisement. Its purpose is to convert the viewer into a lead, or a potential customer. A good landing page will have three key components: an attention-grabbing headline, benefits, and a call to action.

Ideaseat Chicago website developer will use these three components to design your new website with high performance in mind.


Choose quality content

The way your website is built will play a significant role on how well your website performs when it comes to search engine traffic. If you want to maximize this, there are a few things you can do. One of the most important ones is including keywords in the URL. This is because many search engines don’t index URLs with numbers or symbols and they use the words included in the URL to rank sites. You should also optimize images by adding keyword tags and alt text, so that they show up properly when people look for them online. Finally, optimize content by including keywords at least once per paragraph and not spamming them throughout sentences. This will allow you to rank higher in searches while still being able to provide quality content.


Choose top-notch images

There are many ways to increase traffic to your site, but it can be a challenge. If you want to get the most out of your website, try these tips:

  1. Start with a keyword research – this will give you an idea on what people are searching for, and help you figure out how to optimize your content.
  2. Make sure that your meta title is enticing and concise – search engines use this information when they display your page title on SERPs (search engine results pages).
  3. Include keywords in the first paragraph of each page – this will help make sure that Google knows what the page is about, and is more likely to show it as relevant.
  4. Don’t forget the most important text on every page: The H1 tag!


Maximize search engine traffic

Your website is a business tool intended to deliver measurable results (leads and sales). This is why Ideaseat Chicago website developer are cantered around delivering on this primary objective. Each building block of your new website will be expertly constructed to drive leads and sales.

Ideaseat web developers specialize in the following elements that will improve your website’s performance, functionality and ranking:

1) Responsive design

2) Integrated social media channels

3) Optimized mobile design

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