6 Ways to Score Your Brand Reputation Online


By Maria James

6 Ways to Score Your Brand Reputation Online

What’s a higher priority than a web-based presence? Digital branding services assist you with fostering your web-based presence by dealing with your digital presence across the Internet, and Social Media Marketing Services assist you with dealing with that presence by checking, drawing in and collaborating with your crowd through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Figure out how to score your image reputation online with the assistance of these six ways to get social on social media.

Search Engine Results Page

First, your brand needs a strong and consistent presence on search engines. Many people find businesses through their search engines, so your brand will not have an opportunity to share its reputation if it is not first at or near the top of page one.

The best way to ensure you get there is by optimizing your site for keywords that are relevant and popular. You can pay someone else to do SEO work or you can learn how it works yourself (there are many books about SEO). It’s also important for a website run on WordPress or another CMS software package be designed well so people will stay around long enough on each page (ideally 2-3 minutes) to read something and hopefully like what they see before moving onto another site.

Review Sites

One of your top priorities should be tracking mentions and reviews of your brand on review sites like Yelp, Glassdoor, and so on. Google Alerts is an easy way to monitor for these types of mentions; you can also set up alerts for major social media channels as well as individual product/service pages.

When someone writes a review or makes a negative comment online, act quickly—don’t let it sit out there unaddressed. Be sure to have at least one person in charge of overseeing review sites, monitoring social media channels and responding appropriately when necessary. They should also proactively identify opportunities for positive discussions about your brand and make sure they get on those conversations ASAP.

Local Listings

The first thing that comes up in a search for your brand’s name is an old address or phone number, you’re sure to lose customers before they even have a chance. While making sure all your address and phone numbers are accurate may seem like a small detail, it can make a huge difference in creating positive perceptions about your brand. By monitoring and updating these listings regularly, you keep yourself in front of potential customers and ensure they get in touch with your brand when they want to make business decisions.

That’s crucial – especially if local is part of how you market yourself! On average, 97% of consumers use online reviews as part of their purchase decision when purchasing locally vs just 48% nationally.

Check-in Sites (Yelp, TripAdvisor)

People love checking into businesses (just think about Foursquare). Their opinions on sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor can generate a lot of business for a company. Start working with these sites, and you might find yourself getting more bookings than you have time for. But don’t just wait around for customers to write reviews—go out and engage your customers on these review sites. Make sure everyone in your business is doing everything they can so that reviews are glowing.

Web Forums

A strong online reputation is one of many different things that will contribute towards your overall success as a business, so you should do everything in your power to make sure you can score points with those who run over your website. Focusing on what others are saying about you or your image can be an incredible method of getting an early warning sign if something isn’t going right.

Remember, it’s impossible for someone to know everything there is about you, but it’s very easy for them to form opinions based on what they think they know. A positive online reputation can only enhance your chances of future success and should be treated accordingly.

Facebook Pages and Groups

Have a Facebook page for your business? If so, make sure you set up a community for it. A community allows anyone on Facebook to join and post comments, photos, videos and links. People who want updates about your business can like your page. Once they do that, they’ll see updates in their newsfeed. They’ll also be able to follow what’s happening on your page—and if they like what they see, they may become fans or recommend it with their friends and family.

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The key takeaway is to make sure you are there for your customers before, during and after their purchase. The great thing about business reputation management today is that it doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is – if you have a question or need help with anything, there will always be someone online who can assist you. It’s just a matter of showing up on all your social networks and responding when people reach out to you! If we want our businesses to succeed in today’s economy we need to do more than treat our customer right once they are in front of us, we also need to provide service over an extended period of time as well.

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