web development services


By Maria James

What to Tell Your Developer Before Starting a Project

Are you working with a web development company to build a brand new website? What an exciting time! Reinvigorating your online presence is an excellent way to attract new customers and improve conversion rates.

While you would hope that your web development services team would be able to read your mind, it’s a good idea to be explicit in your expectations of both the website itself and the overall project management.

Having these discussions at the very beginning can save a lot of stress further down the track. So, before signing up with a web development company in Melbourne, consider discussing the following questions!

What is the total cost of building this website?

Web development may have become easier over the years but in 2022, you can still expect to pay a reasonable amount for a top-quality website. Factored into the total cost will be a number of line items and it’s well worth understanding the budget breakdown.

For example, you will need to pay for both web hosting and the use of your domain name. These are non-negotiable and largely out of the hands of your development team, as both are third-party services.

Depending on the CMS platform you choose to use, you may need to pay for the software itself. WordPress and Drupal, for example, are open-source platforms, meaning they are free of charge. Kentico, on the other hand, is closed source and does come at a fairly high price.

Then of course you will need to discuss the fee of development itself. In addition, your website will likely require maintenance, which is an ongoing fee. There’s a lot to consider so make sure you are fully aware of all of the charges associated with your new website.

Will this website be scalable?

This question is particularly important if you’re looking to expand your business operations over the next few years. While you may only have small traffic numbers now, further down the track, you may need a website that can cope with large volumes of visitors at once.

The last thing you want is to invest considerable time and money into your new website only to require an entirely new one a short time later.

What do you understand about my business?

Some web development companies prioritise quantity over quality, meaning they churn out countless websites every year and don’t particularly care how accurately they capture their client’s services and ethos.

Others take their time getting to know customers and create a website that truly reflects a company’s brand, achievements, and aspirations.

You want to be working with a team like the latter. Before signing any type of contract, quiz your development team on how well they know your company. Ask how they are going to translate your business into a digital product, what obstacles they expect to encounter along the way, and how they perceive your company within your marketplace. If you’re not impressed with the answers, look elsewhere!

What process will you follow to build my website?

A top web development company in Melbourne will be able to answer this question in a matter of seconds. There are plenty of project methodologies out there that are perfect for creating digital products on behalf of a client. Agile, for example, is a collaborative approach that provides plenty of opportunities for feedback and alterations.

The name a developer uses to describe their process doesn’t particularly matter. What does matter is that they are clear about the steps they will take to create your website, incorporate feedback, and make changes. If they suggest you’re not going to see the site until its final stages, you’re likely to run into quite a few problems.

How can I contact you?

This may seem like a basic question, but the rise of remote web development means the team you are working with may not be located nearby — or even in the same country as you. This isn’t necessarily a problem, provided that you can contact your web developer easily and they are responsive to your messages.

Establishing communication expectations means both the client and the development team will be on the same page. Don’t be afraid to be explicit in what you expect regarding communication. If you want a weekly update meeting, ask for this. The worst they can say is no, and if that’s a deal-breaker for you, better to know upfront!

If you’ve never worked with a professional web development services team before, don’t be too concerned. After all, it’s their job to satisfy you, not the other way around! Just be explicit about what you expect in terms of the final product and the ongoing project management approach, to ensure all parties are on the same page.

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